Fat Burner Kit

So what is fat, and what does adipose tissue do?
Adipose tissue is now known to be a very important and active endocrine organ. It is well established that adipocytes (or fat cells) play a vital role in the storage and release of energy throughout the human body. More recently, the endocrine function of adipose tissue has been discovered. In addition to adipocytes, adipose tissue contains numerous other cells that are able to produce certain hormones in response to signals from the rest of the organs throughout the body. Through the actions of these hormones, adipose tissue plays an important role in the regulation of glucose, cholesterol and the metabolism of sex hormones.
Citrus drops: citric acid is known to be rich in antioxidants which is vital to cell health, and also natural fat burning properties. Citrus mix acid is also known to help improve metabolism which can help in the aid of breaking down foods easier, helping aid in ridding of stored foods. Great for detoxification of body, and eliminating stored toxins.
Irish moss & bladderwrack drops: Sea moss, which is also known as Irish moss has been used in traditional medicine to address a variety of ailments.
The active compound in sea moss is carrageenin and this mucilage compound helps restore the health of the mucous membrane throughout the body.
Sea moss has been used to address respiratory ailments like bronchitis because of its ability to absorb excess liquid in the lungs and expel excess mucus.
Sea moss has been used to remove radiation poisoning from the body, and to sooth inflamed tissue in the digestive tract. Sea moss is also an excellent natural source of iodine.
Bladderwrack is a form of kelp that has been used medicinally for centuries. The main use of the herb has been for the stimulation of the thyroid gland as a treatment for obesity and cellulite. The high iodine content of the herb stimulates thyroid function which boosts metabolism.
It has a reputation in the relief of rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis and may be used both internally and as an external application for inflamed joints. The main phytotherapeutic use of Fucus is during debility and convalescence, and also to remineralise the body.
Fucus also appears to assist in the problem of lipid balance associated with obesity, and where obesity is associated with thyroid dysfunction, this herb may help to reduce excess weight.
Bladderwrack is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, silicon and iron. It contains moderate amounts of phosphorus, selenium, manganese and zinc. It is rich in algin and mannitol, carotene and zeaxantin with traces of bromine.
FAT BURNER DROPS: Our “Fat Burner Drops” was specifically formulated in assisting the body with the nutrients to help it eliminate fat naturally! They help the body with nutrients, and minerals to aid the body in detoxification, help reduces blood cholesterol, improves digestion, enhanced energy, blood cleanser, cell health, kidney and liver health, bladder and prostrate health, daily vitamin and nutrient needs, helps reduce additional adipose tissue in the body, and more!
Bottle Size: 2oz (60ml)
Serving size: 10-20 drops at a time
Daily dosage: 1-3x per day
Directions: drops can be taken directly by mouth, or added to water to disguise taste
Shelf life: 5yrs. Can be taken on an empty stomach or with food!
Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. We do not intend to treat or cure any disease. We always recommend you see a licensed physician before taking any herbal supplements.